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Seamless Access. Solid Trust.

Empowering a Secure Digital Future.

TrustBuilder.io Suite currently consists of three products: TrustBuilder.io, TrustBuilder ID Hub and TrustBuilder Mobile Authenticator. TrustBuilder.io Suite comes with a wide range of capabilities, such as Single Sign-on, Multi-factor authentication, Federated Identity Management, API Security, adaptive authentication, and many more.

TrustBuilder.io Multi-factor Authenticator

Ask extra proof from users to be sure they really are who they claim to be. Passwords are no longer enough to secure access to applications and resources. As a security mechanism, Multi-factor Authentication requires two or more validation factors to prove a user’s identity. TrustBuilder.io Multifactor Authentication comes in different flavors. Yet they all have two things in common: a great customer experience and airtight security.

TrustBuilder.io Identity Management

TrustBuilder’s Identity Management module solves all identity management challenges, resulting in ultimate data security and lower costs. We allow users to log in with one single profile but take on different personas. These personas reflect the different capacities that a person plays or mandates they have, thus offering a very user-friendly solution.

How secure is your digital landscape?

Get rid of the dangers that threaten your cybersecurity

Operational friction and inefficiencies

Is user administration taking too much time of your IT staff? Does security harm productivity?

Find out how TrustBuilder helps you stay safe without passwords.

Customer experience - or security?

Are you tired of having to choose between a perfect customer experience and airtight security?

Check out how TrustBuilder offers you secure CX.

Compliancy and regulations

Do you know your customers? Can you verify their identity and secure your assets?

Check out how TrustBuilder keeps you on the right side of rules.

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This is what you get from working with TrustBuilder

Zero Trust Security

Zero Trust Security

Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Workforce Efficiency

Workforce Efficiency

Easy Management

Easy Management

Discover a community of ‘trust-builders’

These companies and organizations are putting trust and security first while delivering compelling user experiences

How the Printemps Group secured its VPN and cloud applications with TrustBuilder

The multifactor authentication solution protecting the Printemps group's VPN access was gradually becoming obsolete. Operating in the retail sector - a prime target for attackers - the group decided to call on TrustBuilder to reinforce its security infrastructures. This choice was also motivated by the desire to prevent phishing and Brute Force attacks, which are on the increase with the democratization of teleworking.

TrustBuilder powers the notarial profession’s move to the cloud

At the end of 2022, Fednot, the Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries, reached a key milestone in the digitization of its services to Belgian notaries and the general public. Moving its Identity and Access Management (IAM) to the cloud allows Fednot to serve its customer base more efficiently and expand its services.

IAM as the cornerstone for digitized processes and greater user experience at SD Worx

HR service providers are seeking digital innovations. From sending paper pay slips by ground mail just a decade ago, interaction with customers and customers employees has gone digital and mobile. A solid Identity and Access Management (IAM) system is key in driving digitization. European HR services leader SD Worx chose TrustBuilder as a main component in its architecture.